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Art School

I teach what I know well

To connect with nature, observe it in that special way that only painters do. With attention to the details, colours, shades and light, different forms,… When you surrender yourself completely, special magic is reveiled to you. Because we are a part of nature too.  It is a process of focusing on the nature and developing painting skills at the same time. When you are able to really see and feel it, you can paint it too. And it has to be enjoyable and fun. So we paint surrounded with beautiful nature, by the rivers, by the sea, in beautiful Arboretum Volčji Potok in central Slovenia.
Meditative painting is the link between learning painting skills and spirituality. To be able to paint the glow of summer, I need to find it within myself, and be able to manifest it in creative process. That is what you will learn in this school. To express yourself in a way a painter would. We focus our attention inwards, on what we feel and perceive, and we put it on paper. We let go of  fears and expectations, limiting beliefs, and we connect with our inner child. This makes it much easier to learn different painting techniques and ways of expression.

No upcoming workshops. Please check back soon!


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