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Mission statement

It is Spring, everything is waking up. I feel deeply connected to nature and the changing seasons. My paintings are an expression of experiencing these changes. Spring is the most beautiful time of the year for me. Spring blossoming and exuberance, rebirth, are also a frequent motif in my paintings. I’m grateful that painting is my profession and my mission. I was told once that I was a painter in all my previous lives. It is quite possible. The paintbrush feels like an extension of my body.
When I am painting nature, I am portraying my direct experience of nature. Because nature is in a state of wholeness, unity, connectedness. This is what is lacking in the present society. I am not surprised that such radical changes are taking place. Because the time has come to create a different, better world. Yet this transition is certainly not easy. That makes it all the more important that we remain true to ourselves, that we do not allow our respect and our human rights to be taken away from us.
Years ago I developed a technique that I named Meditative painting. Meditative painting is the link between learning painting skills and spirituality. To be able to paint the glow of summer, I need to find it within myself, and be able to manifest it in a creative process. That is what I teach in my artschool. In meditative painting, we focus our attention inwards, on what we feel and perceive, and we put it on paper. We let go of fears and expectations, limiting beliefs, and we connect with our inner child. This makes it much easier to learn different painting techniques and ways of expression. If possible we paint in nature. Nature is not only inspiration, but also a teacher.

We are living in a society where there is a lot of talk about values and respect, but it is just a facade. What goes on behind the scenes, hidden from the eyes, is anything but that. I can find a way out of all this created chaos in my own inner peace. So the only way out is to work on myself.

What my paintings create is a passage into a different, deep experience of the beauty of nature. It fills the viewer with inner peace and beauty, if one allows oneself to open the heart and feel the painting.

And I would add that you can truly see a painting, when you feel it with your heart.

Katarina Vidmar
March 2024